Friday, January 9, 2009

Web Review: Runescape

I may, from time to time, review things. I will post my thoughts here on anything I review. Today I am going to review Runescape. This is my first review so please understand if I don't cover all of it.

Anyone know what Runescape is? Didn't think so. Yeah, anyway, it is an MMORPG created by Jagex, Inc. It is very much like a Java-based version of WoW (World of Warcraft for all you non-nerds) or D&D (Dungeons and Dragons). I have played this game on-and-off for many years.

You start off in this tutorial zone and there you learn all this stuff about how to play.

Oh, I should mention it is free to play but there is also a pay-to-play service that adds over 10x as much content. I was a member for a couple months a year or two ago and it was overwhelming at first. But, once you get used to it, you're pretty much fine.

The graphics could be better but are pretty good considering it's free to play. There are a couple different graphics settings you can choose. There is a low quality setting which is still pretty nice. Then there is High quality which has more textures on things and it looks twice as good as low quality. Then there is full screen which is just High quality but in full screen. The layout of the buttons and chat menus are a little different on full screen. Lastly, there is an HD setting. This is a members-only feature and is by far the best. This should only be used on a faster computer, though, because it lags a lot on slower computers.

There is a chat feature used to talk to other players in the game. Jagex tries to make their games very family-friendly so there is a censor used on chat. It is very strict down to the point they don't let you say your password so that other players can't take it. I think it is a very useful feature and really lets you enjoy the game without having to worry about people going around dropping the f-bomb.

I have a user in the game and I'm alright at it. I'm right in the middle. I'm not like the best player but I'm certainly not the worst. His name is Mtn._Man. So, if you decide to start playing, add me as a friend and I'll (probably) be able to help with whatever you need. Well, I'll make my best effort to do so. Oh, yeah, I probably need to include the URL so you know where to go if you want to play. The URL is

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